Murchison Falls National Park

The country’s largest protected area, Murchison Falls National Park is studded with Borasus palm and grassland supporting birdlife lion, buffalo, elephant and Uganda kob, Rothschild’s giraffe and Patas monkey. The launch cruise offers close up views to Hippos galore, and crocodiles poised at the shores. There is also a walking trail from the top of the falls with great vantage view spots.

SIZE: 3840 sq km


Northwest of the country, approximately 90km from Masindi town or 14km from Karuma falls bridge.


It is 4.5 hours drive.The ferry at Paraa operates a scheduled service between the southern and northern bank of the Nile. There is only public means of transport from Kampala to Masindi town. The Northern gate via Chobe has also just opened. By Air: Charter services are available to all-weather aerodromes at Pakuba about 19 kms northwest of Paraa and Bugungu 13 Kms from Paraa.


Enroute Ziwa Rhino sanctuaryis 2 hours drive on the Kampala –Gulu highway is a perfect stopover for a walking safari to visit the Southern White Rhino, duikers,bushbucks, and a variety of birds. Regular launch trips to the base of the falls offer close up views of crocodiles, hippos, Elephants, buffaloes, waterbucks and bird watching. Boat trips to the Lake Albert delta provide the best chance in Africa of sighting shoebills. Sport fishing: Nile Perch and Cat–fish angling is possible at the bottom of the falls on arrangement with the park authorities. Chimp tracking at Kaniyo Pabidi,Rabongo Forest: Kaniyo-Pabidi and Busingiro, which is outside the park, are part of the Budongo Forest Reserve that are tourist sites and are managed by the Jane Goodall Institute Chimpanzee tracking, only in Kaniyo Pabidi, is generally a 2-4 hr walk in the forest. Two viewing times per day are allowed, in the morning, with walks normally starting around 8am and then afternoon around 2pm. Maximum of 2 groups of 4-6 people per morning and afternoon will be allowed to track chimpanzees with experienced guides. The walk includes viewing of other wildlife in the forest and also seeing the oldest mahogany trees in East Africa. Other diurnal primates that may be seen during this walk are black and white colobus, red tail monkeys, blue monkeys and olive baboons and a spectacular number of butterflies. Bird Watching: There is a bird watching safari in both Kaniyo Pabidi and Busingiro. It is also home to the rare Puvel’s illadopses, which is an endemic species to Budongo forest. Other activities include Chimpanzee habituation, Pabidi hill walk and camping. Bush camping down the Nile Delta: It is also possible to arrange overnight bush camping where you will be taken to your designated campsite by boat.


Any time of year


There are upmarket lodges including Paraa Safari lodge northern sector,and Nile Safari tented camp, Sambiya River lodge and Red Chilli chalets in the southern sector. Camping is permitted in designated locations.There are also cabins available at Kaniyo Pabidi where Chimp tracking takes place .The luxury Chobe lodge on the northern sector which is one of the top places for sport fishing in Africa with its renowned gym rated with one of the best views in the world by CNN.