
Prior to 1996, Uganda’s communications infrastructure was among the least developed, not only in Africa, but also in the whole world.

For example, at the end of 1996 Uganda had 45,145 fixed lines which translate in a tele-density of 0.21 per hundred people, while in respect of postal services, the per capita number of letters posted was 0.55 in the same year. Both figures are way below the average when compared with other economies in the world.

MTN’s GSM products
Proliferation of GSM Mobile telephony has increased over years. Now most of the parts of the country are connected. (More…)

VSAT Technology for ISP
Currently there are 5 licensed ISP in the country all offering fast class data and voice services. (More…)

The Village Phone
Under the Rural Communication Fund, many villages are now connected MTN’s initiative to bring affordable telecommunication to the rural areas of Uganda.


Sector Overview
Regulatory Bodies
Road Network
Air Transport
Internet Connectivity
Postal Services
Mobile Telephony
Rural Communnication
Water Transport
Road Transport